My Training

Master Herbalist: August 2000
- Intensive study of the properties of plants from all over the world
- Gained insight into relevant benefits of botanicals for modern concerns
- Understanding of nutritional components of herbs
Doctor of Naturopathy: December 2004
- Foundations in supporting wellness with natural therapies
- Educated in aromatherapy, flower essences, and homeopathics
- Trained to examine the needs of the body, mind, and spirit
- Instructed in total body nutrition

Health Kinesiology: January 2008
- Studied the energetic release of physical toxicity, emotional traumas, & learning blocks
- Completed all 10 levels
- Trained in the Allergy Tap

Esogetic Colorpuncture: June 2008
- Certified Colorpuncture Practitioner
- Trained in application of colored light on acupoints to energeticly release emotional trauma and energetic blocks to wellness
- Continuing Education in: Transmitter Relays, Addiction, and Pain

SomaEnergetics Professional Vibrational Sound Training: August 2009
Trained in sound therapies for:
- instantaneous deep relaxation
- improved mental clarity and brain function
- reducing stress
- increased blood flow
- enhanced immune response
- integrating the body and mind

Functional Diagnostic Nutrition: September 2014
- Comprehensive training in hormones, immune system, digestion, detoxification, energy production, and the nervous system
- Extensive functional lab assessments education
- Detailed insight into formulating highly individualized targeted protocols
Functional Diagnostic Nutrition II: September 2015

Understanding MTHFR, Methylation, & Biochemistry Mastery: April 2016
- Professional training in MTHFR gene mutations and methylation cycles
- Instruction in utilizing functional nutritional therapies with MTHFR gene mutation
- Trained in practical uses of genetic tests
Blood Sugar & Insulin Resistance Mastery: September 2016
- Trained in science of glucose metabolism and insulin resistance
- In-depth analysis of chemistry markers related to: glucose utilization, inflammation, renal function, liver function
- Gained mastery in customized diets based upon biochemical individuality
- Developed understanding of how nutrients and botanicals can positively affect insulin and glucose biochemical pathways
Mastering Functional Lab Test Analysis: April 2017
- Highly detailed analysis of utilizing lab testing for the most complex cases
- Learned to interpret hidden patterns in blood and urinary organic acids
- Studied optimizing gut function and neurotransmitter activity
- Trained in achieving autoimmune, thyroid, and endocrine balance
- Educated in mold and biotoxin markers and protocols

FDN Advanced: Oxalates: July 2017
- Extensive education in origins of Oxalate issues
- Trained in professional Oxalate testing procedures
- Gained mastery of Oxalate Lowering protocols

Emotion Code Certification Course: August 2017
- Studied how trapped emotions can pain, physical and emotional stress
- Learned how to identify and remove energetic heart walls.
- Educated in releasing trapped emotions in adults, children, and pets

MCKS PRANIC HEALING® Level 1: November 2017
- Learned the basics of working with the energy aura.
- Studied techniques to clean away congested energy and supplement deficient areas of the aura and chakra energy centers.
- Trained in the advanced methods to produce quicker, more effective results working with colored prana.
- Educated in specialized energy procedures for boosting the immune system and triggering the body’s innate healing ability.

HeartMath Approved Add Heart Facilitator: February 2018
- Learned HeartMath’s scientifically proven theories concerning the dialog of heart and brain.
- Gained understanding in the application of the Inner Balance technology for improving health, productivity, and quality of life through emotional energy management techniques.
Level 1 Holistic EFT Practitioner: March 2018
- Studied EFT fundamentals
- Mastered EFT stress relief and emotional release techniques

- Learned how to clean away congested energy from the aura quickly and with crystals.
- Studied best practices for supplementing deficient areas of the aura and chakra centers with crystals.
- Learned Self-healing for tension, irritability, grief and anxiety.
- Taught how to energetically purge negative programming acquired during childhood
- Studied how to disintegrating negative energies and energetic patterns of such problems as compulsive behaviors, phobias, addictions to smoking, alcohol, drugs, food and sugar, and depression

Metabolic Healing Clinical Mentorship: March 2019
- Acquired advanced interpretation skills for the OAT, DUTCH hormone test, and blood chemistry.
- Studied navigation of complex illness and genetic expression
- Attained knowledge of advanced protocol formulation
Desbio Chronic Infection Summit: May 2019
- Learned how to implement homeopathic protocols for Lyme Disease, mold toxicity, EBV, HPV, chronic viruses, and candida
Craniobiotic Technique: October 2019
- Taught hands on techniques for finding specific neurovascular “reflex points” on your cranium and upper body
- Learned how to use gentle stimulation of those reflex point to energetically alert the brain of hidden health stressors

Mind Body Eating Coach Certification: June 2021
- Taught a comprehensive mind, body, spirit approach to gain insight into our relationship with food and practical ways to transform it.
- Covered in depth protocols and solutions for addressing body image, weight, overeating, binge eating, compulsive eating, chronic dieting, digestive issues, fatigue, immune challenges, and mood concerns
- Founder Herbal Awakenings 2000
- Coached and presented to over 1,100 clients
- Co-hosted Healing Winds From a New Direction radio program
- Taught classes on: Muscle Testing, Benefits of Grass-fed Gelatin, How to Prepare Cultured Vegetables, Grain-free Baking, Self-Care Energy Techniques, Natural Cold & Flu Remedies, Home-Made Yogurt, Emotional Freedom Technique, and Customized Mind Body Food Plans
- Lead healthy eating support groups